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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Best of 2017 Story Time: January 29-30, 2018

Different? Same! by Heather Tekavec *
I Am Bat by Morag Hood *
Toad on the Road by Stephen Shaskan *

Craft: Frog
This week's craft was based on the picture at left.  The kids were given a third sheet of cardstock to color and glue into a cylinder.  Two eyes were glued to the top of the cylinder.  Two long strings of green paper were folded and glued to the sides for legs.

Literacy Extensions:
- Toad on the Road is a great book to introduce safety while playing.  Use the book to discuss rules for playing outside and how to stay safe.
- Extend the book Different? Same! with a visit to the zoo.  As you view the animals ask your child how the various animals are the same and different.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Best of 2017 Story Time: January 22-23, 2017

Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs by Eric Litwin *
Shorty & Clem by Michael Slack *
There's a Pest in the Garden! by Jan Thomas
Chicken Wants a Nap by Tracy Marchini

Craft: Shorty Headband
The children colored a half sheet template of Shorty's face before gluing on three tetth and strips to the back to make into a headband.

Literacy Extensions:
- Groovy Joe promotes sharing.  Do a survey with your child of which foods they would share with others.
- After reading Shorty & Clem, talk about mail and how the postal system works.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Best of 2017 Story Time: January 16, 2017

The Bad Seed by Jory John *
Mosquitoes Can't Bite Ninjas by Jordan P. Novak *
Sloppy Wants a Hug by Sean Julian *

Craft: Ninja
This week's craft was based on the picture at left.  The children were given a half sheet of cardstock with just eyes to color.  They then glued the sheet into a tube.  A pipe cleaner was twisted around the center of the tube for a belt.  A coffee stirrer was then slipped into the belt for the ninja's staff.

Literacy Extensions:
- In Mosquitoes Can't Bite Ninjas, the ninja fights off a mosquito with chopsticks.  Practice hand-eye coordination and hand dexterity by learning how to use chopsticks.  Try picking up various objects with the chopsticks.
- After reading The Bad Seed, try some sunflower seeds.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Best of 2017 Story Time: January 9-10, 2017

Carrot & Pea: An Unlikely Friendship by Morag Hood
Sea Monkey & Bob by Aaron Reynolds
The Sheep Who Hatched an Egg by Gemma Merino

Craft: Carrot Shapes Match
The children matched orange shape cutouts to a carrot printout sheet. If a shape was missing, they filled it in with pea cutouts.

Literacy Extensions:
- Sea Monkey & Bob is book about fears and overcoming those fears.  Discuss with your child what fears they might have and ways people might be able to help them deal with those fears.
- Carrot & Pea points out the similarities and differences between two friends.  Have your child find ways two different objects are simliar and different.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Best of 2017 Story Time: January 2, 2017

Waiting for Goliath by Antje Damm *
Wally Wants to Hug by Barbara Joosse *
What Is Chasing Duck? by Jan Thomas *

Craft: Paper Chain Snake
The kids glued multicolored strips of paper into a paper chain before gluing on an oval snake head to one end.

Literacy Extension:
- This month we are reading some of my favorite picture books from 2017.  Talk with your child about what the word "favorite" means.  Then share with each other some of your favorite things.
- Wally Wants to Hug is a great way to introduce being gentle with people who are more fragile (i.e. grandparents, etc).  Talk about why we need to be gentle with our hugs.